Tuesday, October 20, 2020

SEO Content Strategy - 2 Simple Steps For Optimizing Your Content


So, putting these two ideas together: SEO content strategy is any article or other written content produced with the primary goal of attracting more search engine visitors. And SEO content writer is a person who writes articles and other written content for SEO purpose.

I am not going to tell you all the details about how to optimize your articles for SEO; this is a much longer article on optimization. But, here is a quick refresher on what you will need to do to SEO your article for search engines: it is important to remember that even if good search engine traffic is your main aim, your results might still suffer if your content is not optimized properly. So, here is the first step on how to optimize your articles for search engines:

Always put a keyword in your title. Use the keyword density formula for your title; this formula is found here. When you are writing your article, always check whether there is a specific keyword in the title. In case there is a keyword, use it in the body of the text.

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The next important thing to do is to make sure that the title of your article fits with its keyword density. Use anchor text or keyword tags in the text of the article to get the keyword density in your title. Also try using related keyword phrases to the title, so that your title actually works.

When you are writing your content, try not to insert too many keywords in the article. Keep it short; use the keyword density formula to optimize your article. Make sure that your articles are informative, interesting and keyword rich. It is also very important to use good grammar. Check your grammar after editing the article.

I hope that these tips will help you optimize your article for search engines. Good luck!

Now, let's move to SEO content writer. When you are going for SEO content writer, you will have to take care of these things, which are very important: the content should be written for search engines, so it should not be too boring, but at the same time, it should be highly informative and well written. Also, make sure that you check your grammar and spellings, as you want your content to appear in the search engines easily.

Remember that you use keyword density formula for your title. If there is a keyword in the title, use that word in your content. Do not use it in the body of the text. Make sure to check this every now and then; it will help you with SEO strategy.

Keyword density is also important for your content, so make sure that the keyword appears in the title, in the body of the text, in your title and also in the anchor text. It is also very important to add the keyword in the last sentence of each paragraph.

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